Ccsdf Pakistan aims to produce Innovative projects that will increase social welfare and reconstruction. We operate in four countries across the globe and positively impact hundreds of millions of lives every year in a measurable way by delivering our evidence-based interventions where the need and opportunity are greatest.

Ccsdf Pakistan is one of the leading, non-profit and independent organization, fully dedicated to humanitarian services and strengthening activities with a community-based approach, activities with workers and volunteers continue to work tirelessly for relief of affected people across Pakistan. Our dedicated services include social cohesion content and also aims to ensure effective guidance for access to basic services, case recording, and follow-up, health monitoring, education and awareness studies, widows shelter homes protection, food sustainable development throughout Pakistan.

Ccsdf Pakistan, participation of qualified workforce in employment. Moreover, it focuses on capacity development and training activities by carrying out protecting health, education, clean water, food, widow’s shelter home. Improving, strengthening, and developing disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals and communities as befitting worthy of human dignity. As well as improving and transforming the basic living conditions of individuals and communities.

Ccsdf works with international advisors that assist us with the training and capacity building services. Ccsdf is governed by a diverse Board of Trustees with backgrounds from different financial institutions, non-profit organizations, universities, and government agencies. Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the government, strategy development, internal control, approval of the policies and procedures, legal review and financial audit. Ccsdf executive staff have years of experience and background in nonprofit management, business, academia, and government. Our team also includes local and international associate trainers, volunteers, and field coordinators.
Message from Director
Executive Member
Ccsdf’s team works with conflict affected populations and NGOs to empower and build their capacity to ensure affected population’s access to dignified life. We are a non-governmental civil society organization devoted to alleviating the suffering and improving the sustainability mechanisms of conflict affected population. We also collaborate with national and international non-governmental organizations, local initiatives responding to the humanitarian crisis with capacity development programs, to be better equipped with the skills they need to prepare and respond to affected population’s needs and to ensure that these communities where we work in are ready for any future disasters.
Mr. Chaudhry Muhammad Ramzan
Message from Country Head – Pakistan Chapter and Co-Founder


Ccsdf envision a world where those who are affected by the poverty exercise their voice, build their own solutions and take ownership of their future, and for civil society local organizations to have sufficient capacity, competence and tools to make effective change on the ground.


Ccsdf Pakistan being non-political, nongovernmental and non-profit organization is committed to serving humanity especially vulnerable without any kind of discrimination to contribute in their well-being of health, education, shelter homes, availability of clean water, mosques and proper hygiene other aspects of life and for welfare of its employees by means of resource mobilization and developing partnership with NGOs, other concerned donors, public & private organizations, supporting, engaging in and during useful programs and doing all such acts, deeds and things required to achieve above with integrity

Our Objectives

Ccsdf is conscious of its being a representative of the great tradition that has given birth to “the civilization of charity”. It belongs to this tradition and aims at rebuilding it.

Ccsdf aims at responding to every call for help coming from the most remote corners of the world at the right time and in adequate manner as well as getting well equipped with necessary power, means and experience.

Ccsdf aims at becoming an institution that all international institutions and organizations from OIC to UN recognize, trust, consult, exchange knowledge and experience with, without renouncing the principles forming the foundation of its existence.

Ccsdf does not only content itself with being a bridge between giving and receiving hands, but is also involved in other such activities so as to solve problems at the root and aims at developing plans and projects.

Ccsdf knows it well that there can be no struggle against unjust treatment unless there is struggle against ignorance, that there can be no fight against poverty unless there is fight against malpractice, and that one cannot put an end to injustice unless one supports justice. Focusing not on the results but on the causes of problems, it aims at establishing common, systematic and private educational institutions & hospitals that are necessary for the solution of problems on a global scale.

Our Principles

Our Organization pledges to observe justice in all of its activities.

Our Organization considers alms, Zakat, donations, endowments, and any similar kinds of charitable spending for helping people in need to be each a trust and adopts the principle of distributing them to their respective beneficiaries in the most proper manner.

Our Organization considers the giving hand’s conditions as a covenant and faithfulness to this covenant as a duty and moves ahead with the principle “the conditions laid down by him who dedicates in charity are like the decrees of Islamic law”.

Disapproving of the attitude saying “just give and don’t ask about the rest” to the giving hands, our Association adopts the principle “give and follow closely”. Therefore, it abides by transparency and accountability to the last.

Our Organization known that the receiving hands belong to people and considers it its duty to keep away from any sorts of attitude and behavior, which could harm the dignity and honor that are due to man.

Our Organization comes to the help of those in need regardless of their race, tribe, religious sect, temperament, sex or personal preferences and will never renounce this principle.

The Foundation performs its activities not on political considerations but on humane considerations.

Render all help that is due to those who are needy, destitute and wronged with the conviction that the humanity is a common denominator between all people and adopts the principle of warming hearts towards the invariable values of humanity.

Make use of all instruments, such as means of mass communication, open educational sessions, forums, panel discussions, conferences, etc.

Key Aspects of CCSDF

Value addition to the profile of the sponsor(s) of CCSDF Pakistan Chapter

Social recognition in Pakistani society

Opportunity to get Social welfare and capacity development projects and financing from Pakistani federal and provincial government

Opportunity to raise funding for different projects of hospitals and schools in Pakistan and other Muslim dominated country

Global recognition and networking

Ccsdf Pakistan Chapter will be under direct reporting to Ccsdf Pakistan and secondary reporting will be to Ccsdf

Expected SOW (Scope of Work) for Sponsor(s) / Promotor(s) of CCSDF

Create social networking for Saint Helpers Foundation in Pakistan, starting from major

Develop – Ccsdf ‐ Pakistan Chapter as major hub for resource generation from public and private sector for hospital and school projects in Pakistan as well as in different part of the world through ccsdf

Social development in Muslim community (regardless of nationality and sect)

Create awareness, importance of education and enhance their trust that they can develop lives of people back

Creating social linkages among supporters and members of Ccsdf ‐ Pakistan

Resulting a comparatively close interaction among communities.

“Our goal is to instill in everyone’s mind and to maintain a good practice of environmental sustainability. To ensure that we practice what we preach, we conduct periodic activities and inviting volunteers to carry out our Project Green Initiative worldwide.”

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